September 2023 start and finish times.

Year GroupEntranceStart of dayEnd of day
NurseryNursery entrance8:553:25
Year 1Courtyard8:553:25
Year 3Playgorund8:553:25
Year 4Playgound8:553:25
Year 5Playground8:553:25
Year 6Courtyard8:553:25

Children are required by law to receive 190 days of education per year. Regular attendance at school is vital for a child’s progress, and parents have a legal responsibility to see that their children are in school and on time every day.

A list of school holidays is issued every year and family holidays should be planned within these dates.

A prompt arrival at school gives children the best possible start to the school day. The school gate opens at 8:55 am. Children must not be left unattended. We expect all pupils to walk directly to class and be ready for registration to take place promptly from 8:55 am.

Late arrivals are disruptive to all pupils and leads to the loss of vital learning time, which can never be replaced. Persistent lateness has a long-term negative impact on the child involved. Being punctual enables children to establish a positive lifelong habit. Punctuality is as important at the end of the day as it is at the start of the day.