Year 2 have been doing lots of hands-on learning recently! We really enjoyed dressing up and going on our trip to the Ragged School Museum, even though Miss Perkins was very strict.

In DT we designed and baked our own versions of Victoria sponge cakes. They were delicious!

We really enjoyed our skipping workshop this week. We learned how to do some basic skips and quickly moved on to learning how to do crossovers and even partner skipping!

We have also recently started studying the book Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty. We practised being engineers like Rosie by designing and building our own bridges to go over the River Thames.

In writing we have been learning about climate change. We are working towards a leaflet to make sure everyone knows about the dangers and how to help.

In Year 2 we have loved rehearsing and performing in our Christmas production of The Elves and The Shoemaker. The children have all worked amazingly hard to pull off a fantastic show. A big well done to everyone!

In Year 2 we have been busy preparing for our upcoming show, The Elves and The Shoemaker. We have been rehearsing, making props, set and designing posters. We are very excited to welcome families to the performances next week.

Sewing a bag!

This week in our design and technology lesson we were learning about different fabrics. We identified fabrics and decided which ones would be best for making a bag. We will be learning to sew and creating a bag by the end of term.

We have also been learning the story of Kitoto the Mighty by Tololwa M. Mollel. We created a giant picture map of Kitoto’s home on the plains and tracked his journey.  

Grace and Family

In Year 2 we have been learning about the book Grace and Family by Mary Hoffman. We had a Gambian market in the classroom to help gather ideas for our descriptions. We tried local fruits, smelled spices, felt African fabrics and explored other artefacts you might find at the market.

Welcome back!

In Year 2 this week, we did a wonderful maths investigation. We had to find the missing numbers from a series of number patterns that fit together like a honeycomb. We used our Hawley habits of collaboration and resilience to help work out the solution through trial and improvement.

Victorian Inventions

Year 2 has been continuing with their topic The Victorians. In English we have been writing expanded noun sentences and learning how to use a comma correctly. We used these skills to write poems collaboratively about famous Victorian inventions.We performed our poems in groups and hope to show it to the rest of the school on National Poetry day. We also took part in a toy workshop delivered by Kingston University. We thought carefully about what skills you need to be an inventor and made 3D toys out of everyday objects.

The Victorians

Year 2 has been learning about the Victorian workhouse. Last week, we made gruel and delicious modern porridge and then wrote instructions on how to make them. We have been learning about Oliver Twist who dared to ask for more food!! In case you want to make it at home, here is the recipe!

We have also been learning about Victorian schools. They were pretty cruel places to be. Here are some of the things we have been learning about, see if you know what they are used for.

Christmas Show Preparation!

The class have been very busy learning their lines for the Christmas pantomime. They have to learn 7 songs by heart and their own lines too. The rehearsals are going very well. We look forward to showing you the play in a few weeks! Here is a sneak preview of our costumes.

African Posters

Year 2 have been using the computers to do research about an African country of their choice. They formulated questions and then used the internet to find the answers. Later they used copy and paste to make their posters. Check these out:

Amazing African artwork!

Year 2 have been creating artwork based on the Kenyan artist Martin Bulinya. They are so good we have put them in the entrance to the school. Check them out next time you are walking by!

African setting descriptions

Year 2 have been learning about African markets. They tasted plantain crisps and thought about what they might see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Later they wrote setting descriptions. Have a look at some below, do they make you feel like you are in an African market?  

Welcome back!

Year 2 have had a great first couple of weeks back and have been getting busy with their new topics. The children have been learning about Africa and making African necklaces using different media. 

Check out our pictures below.


In Science, the children have been learning about plants. The children can now label the different parts of a plant and can think about where seeds come from and find ways of classifying them.