In D&T, the children in Year 1 have been designing and making puppets. They learnt how to make parts that pivot using split pins and planned how they wanted the finished product to look. After making the puppets, they wrote a review to say what went well and what they would do differently next time.

As part of our history topic, the children in Year 1 went on an exciting trip to the Young V & A Museum. We found out about toys from the past. We also learnt about how toys are designed and made.

In geography, we are learning about weather changes throughout the four seasons.We went for a walk in Rochester Terrace Gardens to look for signs of winter. It was very cold and there was frost on the ground. Almost all of the trees had lost their leaves but we did spot some evergreens that still had leaves on. 

On Friday, the children in Year 1 went to London Zoo. Despite the very cold weather, we saw lots of interesting animals.We particularly enjoyed watching the penguins being fed! Back in the classroom, the children learnt about the difference between birds, fish, reptiles, mammals, amphibians and insects.

Trip to the CLC

As part of our computing curriculum, Year 1  spent the day at the CLC. The children created animated versions of traditional tales using Purple Mash. In the afternoon, they played problem solving games on Busy Things.

Welcome back!

The children in Year 1 have been investigating how we can use our senses to find out about the world around us. They were using the Hawley Habits of curiosity and collaboration.

London Skyline

The children in Year 1 looked at pictures of the London skyline and drew the shapes that they could see. Then they looked at paintings by Lancelot Ribeiro and painted their pictures in a similar style. They filled in the shapes with different colours and used black paint to outline.        

Our Local Area

The children in Year 1 have been learning about our local area. We went for a walk and drew some old and new houses. Back at school we made a large map of where we had walked and stuck on photos of the places we had passed. We looked more closely at photos of the houses next to the canal and drew them in more detail. After that, we looked at paintings by the artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser and painted our pictures in this style.